Best Bunk Beds for Younger Kids

Best Bunk Beds for Younger Kids

Is it finally time for your little one to graduate to a “big-kid bed?” This can be an exciting time, but also a tad bit nerve-wracking. You want a kids’ bed that's safe for your child, but also one that's fun and inspires them to dream big.

Bunk beds for kids can be a great space-saving solution for sleepovers or siblings sharing a room. However, finding the perfect one for younger kids can feel like a challenge.

Here at Max & Lily, we get it. That's why we offer a variety of cool bunk beds designed specifically with younger kids in mind. They're safe, sturdy, and, of course, tons of fun. Let's explore some of our favorite Max & Lily bunk bed picks to help you find the perfect fit for your kiddo’s bedroom.


Twin Over Twin Low Bunk Bed with Stairs

First up is our low bunk bed with stairs. Why does this bed have parents and kids alike giving it two thumbs up? For starters, this twin over twin bunk bed’s low height makes it super safe for younger kids. It offers a low-to-the-ground sleep space on the bottom bunk that grows with them until they’re ready to conquer the top bunk.

Its low-profile bunk bed design also makes it a great bunk bed for small rooms or rooms with low ceilings.

Plus, the staircase on this kids’ bunk bed is a game-changer for climbing up to the top. Designed with anti-slip steps and a sturdy handrail, this children’s bunk bed with stairs makes climbing to the top bunk easier (and safer) than ever. It’s no wonder Architectural Digest hailed it as the Safest Climb and Forbes called it the Best Bunk Bed for Younger Kids.


twin size low bunk bed with stairs


Twin Over Twin Low Bunk Bed with Guardrails

When it comes to your child's safety, we've got you covered from top to bottom – literally. Our low twin bunk bed with guardrails offers an additional layer of security, ensuring that your little one sleeps soundly night after night. With 14-inch guardrails on both the top and bottom bunks, you can rest easy knowing that your child is protected from bedtime tumbles with this floor bunk bed.

But that's not all – you can choose just the right number of guardrails to suit your child's needs perfectly. Whether they need just one guardrail or prefer to have three, our guardrails provide the peace of mind you need for a good night's sleep.


twin size bunk bed with rails


Twin Over Twin Low Bunk Bed with Easy Slide

Who says bedtime can't be fun? Our Easy Slide bunk beds are perfect for younger kids who love to play.

Named Best Bunk Bed with Slide by The Strategist, this Max & Lily low bunk bed includes safety-first features such as a top platform for kids to sit on, hand holes for a secure grip, and a gentle curve for a soft landing. Kids will never complain about getting out of bed in the morning again when they can slide out of this twin bunk bed for kids instead!


kids low bunk bed and slide


Twin Over Twin Low Bunk Bed with Curtain

Looking for another fun option for younger kids? Our low bunk bed with curtain creates a magical underbed hideaway where kids can play pretend, have sleepovers with their favorite stuffed animals, or just have a cozy space to call their own.

The bunk bed curtain also adds a layer of privacy to a shared room, so siblings can have some quiet time to read or relax. Plus, the angled ladder is the perfect intro to ladder-climbing for younger kids with its three anti-slip steps.


bunk bed curtain on max and lily low bunk bed


Mid-Century Modern Twin Over Twin Low Bunk Bed

Want a small bunk bed that’s big on style? This mid-century modern bunk bed is an obvious choice.

This wooden bunk bed is full of mid-century style with a two-tone finish and a solid guardrail that keeps kids safe and secure on the top bunk. This Montessori bunk bed has all the safety features of our classic low bunk beds for kids with the coolest retro style that will be the envy of all their friends.


No matter what features are most important to you when looking for the first bunk bed for your kiddo, rest assured that Max & Lily has you covered. Our solid wood bunk beds bundle safety, fun, and style into one package for a bed that both kids and parents will love.


mid century modern low bunk bed



At what age can children use bunk beds?

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, it’s best that children wait until at least 6 years old to sleep on the top bunk of a bunk bed. This is because younger children may not have the coordination or balance necessary to safely climb up and down the ladder. Ultimately, the decision of when your child is ready for a bunk bed is a personal one. Consider your child's maturity level, motor skills, and comfort level when making this decision.


At what age can a child go in the bottom bunk?

There's no true minimum age requirement for the bottom bunk. Consider your child's maturity and motor skills when deciding if they're ready. The lower height of the bottom bunk makes it a safe sleep space for younger children.


Are low bunk beds safe?

Low bunk beds are the safest bunk bed option for younger kids, thanks to their lower height and built-in safety features. When looking for a bunk bed, keep an eye out for features like guardrails on the top bunk, solid wood construction, and safety ladders or stairs to ensure the safest experience for your little one.


Transitioning your child to their first "big-kid bed" is a significant milestone that marks a period of growth and independence. With safety, fun, and design in mind, Max & Lily bunk beds offer the perfect blend of features to ensure that this transition is smooth for both parents and children.

From the low bunk bed with stairs for easy access to the bunk bed with curtains for imaginative play, there's a Max & Lily bed that's just right for your family's needs and preferences. Remember to consider your child's readiness for a bunk bed, taking into account their age, motor skills, and comfort with heights.

Max & Lily is here to make sure that your child's first bunk bed is not just a sleeping space, but a place to make the sweetest of childhood memories.


Ready to find the perfect first bunk bed for your little one? Shop Max & Lily low bunk beds today and get free shipping when you spend over $200.